A Cross Fit Engagement at Foz do Arelho: Love, Sweat, and Beach

Today, let’s dive into the incredible day I spent with Mariana and Tiago, a couple who knows how to blend love and sweat in a spectacular way. I decided to step out of my comfort zone and delve into a lifestyle session – something I don’t do every day, but definitely worth it.

Both are passionate about Cross Fit, so we decided to immerse ourselves in their daily routine and capture some of their vibe as a couple. The only problem? They were determined to train hard, sweating buckets, while I was thinking about how to keep them fresh for the beach session later.

The experience at the box was amazing. We explored every corner, using the available objects to create images that conveyed all the energy and passion they have for exercise. We even played around with some animated GIFs – a fun way to capture the spirit of this dynamic couple.

But the real lesson I learned from Mariana and Tiago was about the power of love. For them, the answer to any challenge lies in the mutual love they share. This perspective stuck in my mind, reinforcing the idea that love is truly the most powerful force there is.

And after the intense workout, we headed to the beach, where we could enjoy a beautiful sunset and feel the sand between our toes. It was the perfect ending to a day full of energy, love, and lots of fun.


Video – Make Me Feel Weddings

Photography – Make Me Feel Weddings